Course curriculum

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    • "Soil is a living organism"- 12 min YouTube video

    • Diversity - 7 min presentation

    • green manure plants wallchart

    • Detailed green manure guide - 40 pages

    • Biodiversity and soil productivity

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    Feeding the soil and compost

    • Feeding the soil & biodynamic compost - 33 min presentation

    • "Green manure and cover crops" - 55 min YouTube

    • reducing fertiliser use 2011 article by Joel Williams

    • "soil & root depth"- 4 min YouTube video

    • soil-fertility, detailed description - 32 pages

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    Soil husbandry

    • Soil husbandry - 16 min presentation

    • Biodynamic - soil fertility and essential role for climate action

    • compare BD & organic -Farm fertility- impact of BD preparations by Vincent Masson

    • Rotations and fertility building - 9 pages

    • compare conventional, organic and biodynamic -Fibl DOK research 2000

    • Soil fertility management impact chard


Instructor and Work Based Learning Coordinator

Kai Lange

Kai is a farmer, grower and teacher and is coordinating the BDAC work based training and quality assurance. He has been involved in biodynamic farming and education since 1985 starting in Germany, working seven year in the 1990's in Denmark and since 2000 in the UK. He aims to inspire people’s love for land work and believes that biodynamic practice is the most holistic and works well alongside all agroecology movements.