Resource Library, Intro to Biodynamics
Extra reading, videos and more to delve deeper into topics explored in the Introduction to Biodynamics.
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Living Farms: Biodynamics in a Changing World
The Agriculture Course by Rudolf Steiner
On the difference between machines and organisms by Fritjof Capra
Frick trial on preparations and soil
Early Agriculture and Civilization excerpt from Plows, Plagues and Petroleum by Ruddiman
Evolution, consequences and future of plant and animal domestication by Jared Diamond
The Agricultural Crisis as a Crisis of Culture, excerpt from The Unsettling of America by Wendell Berry
Preface by Pfeiffer to The Agriculture Course
On Morphology, by Goethe
The Well-Proportioned Farm Organism by Joachim Raupp
Amethyst Spray by Dennis Klocek
Sowing Calendar Introduction
Sowing Calendar and Rhythms with Claire Hattersley
The Science Behind Biodynamics by Dr. Lynne Carpenter-Boggs
Research Matters by Richard Swann