Resources Included

Free when you register for Introduction to Biodynamics

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    Welcome to your Resource Library

    • How to use this Library

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    General Resources

    • Living Farms: Biodynamics in a Changing World

    • The Agriculture Course by Rudolf Steiner

    • On the difference between machines and organisms by Fritjof Capra

    • Frick trial on preparations and soil

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    Context (week 1) Resources

    • Early Agriculture and Civilization excerpt from Plows, Plagues and Petroleum by Ruddiman

    • Evolution, consequences and future of plant and animal domestication by Jared Diamond

    • The Agricultural Crisis as a Crisis of Culture, excerpt from The Unsettling of America by Wendell Berry

    • Preface by Pfeiffer to The Agriculture Course

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    World View (week 2) Resources

    • On Morphology, by Goethe

    • Emergence

    • The Well-Proportioned Farm Organism by Joachim Raupp

    • Amethyst Spray by Dennis Klocek

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    Practice (week 3) Resources

    • Sowing Calendar Introduction

    • Sowing Calendar and Rhythms with Claire Hattersley

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    Next Steps (week 4) Resources

    • The Science Behind Biodynamics by Dr. Lynne Carpenter-Boggs

    • Research Matters by Richard Swann

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    Audio Recordings and Text Files

    • How to Use These Resources

    • 1. History and Context (recommended reading)

    • 1. Early Agriculture and Civilization excerpt from Plows, Plagues and Petroleum by Ruddiman

    • 1. The Green Continuum

    • 2. Thinking Through Biodynamics

    • 2. Emergence

    • 2. Biodynamic Spray Preparations in a Nutshell

    • 2. Amethyst Spray by Dennis Klocek

    • 3. Framing the Farm Case Studies

    • 3. The Biodynamic Sowing Calendar

    • 4. New Eyes for Land Preview: The Four Elements

    • 4. Biodynamics, A Promising Road to Tomorrow's Sustainable Agriculture

    • 4. The Science Behind Biodynamics by Dr. Lynne Carpenter-Boggs

    • 4. DOK Experiment: Long-term study on bio-dynamic, bio-organic and conventional farming systems

    • On the difference between machines and organisms by Fritjof Capra