Course curriculum

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    • Welcome to the Course

    • Community of Learning

    • Something to get you Started

    • Sound bite- Kira's journey in Biodynamics

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    Context (Part 1)

    • Get Started

    • Recommended reading

    • The Green Continuum (further reading and resources)

    • Task – Keep a food diary

    • Week 1 Webinar: History and Context

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    World View (week 2)

    • Welcome to Part 2

    • Thinking Through Biodynamics

    • Exploring Forces of Expansion and Contraction in Leaf Forms.

    • The Farm Organism

    • Comparing Industrial and Biodynamic Production Models

    • Different Farm Organisms (discussion)

    • Biodynamic Spray Preparations in a Nutshell

    • Soundbite- Dorothea's journey with Biodynamics

    • Week 2 Webinar Recording - World View

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    Practice (Part 3)

    • Welcome to week 3

    • Imagine an Urban Biodynamic Organism

    • Framing the Farm Case Studies

    • Case Study 1: Plawhatch Farm

    • Case Study 2: Tablehurst Farm

    • Case Study 3: Reyneke Vineyard and Farm

    • Making and Using the Spray Preparations

    • Task- An hour of stirring

    • Making the Compost Preparations

    • Using the Compost Preparations

    • Using the Compost Preparations

    • The Biodynamic Sowing Calendar

    • Soundbite- Trude's journey with Biodynamics

    • Week 3 Webinar Recording

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    Next Steps (Part 4)

    • Welcome to Week 4

    • The Food Diary- Feedback

    • Biodynamics: A Promising Road to Tomorrow's Sustainable Agriculture by U. Schreier

    • New Eyes for Land preview: The Four Elements

    • New Eyes for Land preview: Elements and Kingdoms

    • Biodynamic Preparations Course Sample Reading

    • Demeter UK combined certification standards

    • DOK Experiment: Long-term study on bio-dynamic, bio-organic and conventional farming systems

    • Please give us your Feedback

    • Soundbite- Nir's journey with Biodynamics

    • Week 4 Webinar Q&A recording