Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Course

    2. Community of Learning

    3. Something to get you Started

    4. Sound bite- Kira's journey in Biodynamics

    1. Get Started

    2. Recommended reading

    3. The Green Continuum (further reading and resources)

    4. Task – Keep a food diary

    5. Week 1 Webinar: History and Context

    1. Welcome to Part 2

    2. Thinking Through Biodynamics

    3. Exploring Forces of Expansion and Contraction in Leaf Forms.

    4. The Farm Organism

    5. Comparing Industrial and Biodynamic Production Models

    6. Different Farm Organisms (discussion)

    7. Biodynamic Spray Preparations in a Nutshell

    8. Soundbite- Dorothea's journey with Biodynamics

    9. Week 2 Webinar Recording - World View

    1. Welcome to week 3

    2. Imagine an Urban Biodynamic Organism

    3. Framing the Farm Case Studies

    4. Case Study 1: Plawhatch Farm

    5. Case Study 2: Tablehurst Farm

    6. Case Study 3: Reyneke Vineyard and Farm

    7. Making and Using the Spray Preparations

    8. Task- An hour of stirring

    9. Making the Compost Preparations

    10. Using the Compost Preparations

    11. Using the Compost Preparations

    12. The Biodynamic Sowing Calendar

    13. Soundbite- Trude's journey with Biodynamics

    14. Week 3 Webinar Recording

    1. Welcome to Week 4

    2. The Food Diary- Feedback

    3. Biodynamics: A Promising Road to Tomorrow's Sustainable Agriculture by U. Schreier

    4. New Eyes for Land preview: The Four Elements

    5. New Eyes for Land preview: Elements and Kingdoms

    6. Biodynamic Preparations Course Sample Reading

    7. Demeter UK combined certification standards

    8. DOK Experiment: Long-term study on bio-dynamic, bio-organic and conventional farming systems

    9. Please give us your Feedback

    10. Soundbite- Nir's journey with Biodynamics

    11. Week 4 Webinar Q&A recording

About this course

  • £65.00
  • 43 lessons
  • 9.5 hours of video content